Italian Online Stores

Get actionable intelligence on 8,266 online ecommerce stores in Italy . We track ecommerce customers globally & identify prospecting-worthy ecommerce stores for your research, marketing and sales needs.

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8,266 stores

Download a list of 8,266 Italian Online Stores:

Store Name Alexa Category Country
Dolce & Gabbana 12,873 Beauty Italy
Leam S.R.L 34,346 Other Italy
Frmoda S.R.L. 35,851 Industrial Italy
Profumerie Douglas S.p.A. 61,677 Men,Women,Fashion,Magazine Subscriptions Italy
OVS S.p.A. 79,584 Industrial Italy
Illycaffe SpA 140,864 Grocery & Gourmet Food Italy
Boggi Switzerland Sa 164,411 Industrial Italy
Milia Living Home 174,185 Home,Patio, Lawn & Garden,Patio, Lawn & Garden,Patio, Lawn & Garden Italy
Manifattura Valcismon S.p.A 204,326 Men,Women,Fashion,Magazine Subscriptions Italy
Subdued 229,554 Men,Women,Fashion,Magazine Subscriptions Italy
AGV S.p.A 249,401 Industrial Italy
Emperion Store 322,581 Industrial Italy
Nohow Style 356,771 Men,Women,Fashion,Magazine Subscriptions Italy
Alviero Martini S.P.A 537,378 Men,Women,Fashion,Magazine Subscriptions Italy
GAS Jeans 561,049 Industrial Italy

View all 8,266 ecommerce stores from this segment.

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Get actionable intelligence on 8,266 online ecommerce stores in Italy . We track ecommerce customers globally & identify prospecting-worthy ecommerce stores for your research, marketing and sales needs.

There are 8,266 online ecommerce stores in Italy. We scan millions of online stores, discover stores in Italy, then weed out online ecommerce stores to create the final curated list of prospecting-worthy leads.

CartInsight then adds deep intelligence to every ecommerce store including traffic data, technology usage data, app install data, physical location filter & a lot more.

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